Sylvester, also known as "Sly", "Sly the Wine Guy" or "Bowtie Sly", loved God, Family, his beloved brotherhood, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, Florida State University Football and most especially he loved his career in Catering & Convention Services. This Certified Meeting Planner & Wine Sommelier looked for opportunities to help others succeed in life and this scholarship will continue to do that as if he were still here today.
"Invictus," the name of Sylvester's favorite poem, encouraged others to shape their future despite the odds that might discourage them. To honor his legacy, The Sylvester Taylor "Invictus" Hospitality Scholarship seeks to reward a student pursuing a career in the hospitality and food service industry.
All High School Seniors, Undergraduate, Trade School, and Graduate school students from Florida are eligible to apply for this scholarship. To apply, tell us a bit about yourself and how this scholarship will help you.